Screen Shots
Custom Settings:
- C:\Program Files\_Scripts\PoorMan'sSMS\Hosts.ini
- C:\Program Files\_Scripts\PoorMan'sSMS\IPranges.ini
(LAN dependant - adjust to must match your network conditions)
Initial (very first) Run:
- UI - Start menu, Programs, Poor Man's SMS, InfoCollector
(very first time, run it from Start menu, Programs, ...)
Network was scanned for installed software, results will look like:
- PoorMan'sSMS Jobs
(every time it is run via Start menu, Programs... new jobs folder will be created)
- Logs Produced
(every scan and/or job will create number of time stamped log files)
- Expected To Find Hosts
(at the time of the scan, we EXPECTED TO FIND THESE HOSTS on the network)
- Hosts That Were Not Found
(but at the time of the scan, THESE HOSTS WERE NOT FOUND on the network)
- Error Log
(some errors encountered during the scan)
- Some Unexpected Hosts Found
(IP range scan uncovered hosts we did not know about)
- First (raw) Results
(scan results goes to InstalledSoftwareINI.ini file)
Repeated Scan (do until all hosts found and scanned):
- UI - Windows Explorer, SendTo addition
(RE-SCANN using SendTo shortcut ...)
All (or vast majority of hosts) Scanned, Produce Report:
- Report Details I
- Report Details II
- Report Details III
- Report Details IV
(SendTo, PoorMan'sSMS, ReportMaker shortcut)